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Internal Error : A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process.

Level 4

We are automating an application which interacts with excel. In the excel the application is added an ADD IN feature and it's communicating with a database. It's a legacy 32-Bit application. While automating we have spied the excel table data in Win32 mode with element type as ".Net DataGrid" or ".Net GridView" (Both tried) . This was working fine earlier but now its's unable to read table data by using READ stage. It's throwing the below error :

Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Read Stage 'Read all values in table' on page 'XXXXXXXX' - A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process.

BP Version : 6.5
OS : Win 10 - 64 Bit

Already Tried Steps:
1. Spied mode changed to UIA ,and AA. But Table is not reading in proper format.
2. Dynamic read implemented for each row . Time consuming and very very slow due to huge load of data.

Note : No Issue with the table spy. Still correctly identifying the table.

Can you please put some light on this ?

Debashis Ghosh
Debashis Ghosh

Level 7
HI Debashis,

Working with legacy application is challenging sometimes.
As mentioned, it was working fine and not now.. did you noticed any OS upgrade which legacy app may be interacting?
In my opinion, to isolate issue root cause you may like to check in any other test environment with 32 bit OS

Manish Kumar

Level 5
I haven't met the same error so it's just a guess, but it is the possibility that this problem may be solved if you change "Application Manager Mode" in the Application Modeler.

For more information, please refer below URLs.
Product Help

I hope it will be solved!

Kota Suto

Hi Kota,

I have already tried with all other modes available in the Application manager. but no luck.
Thanks for your response. Any other thoughts ?

Debashis Ghosh
Debashis Ghosh

Hi Manish,

When I developed the code in my local dev environment it was working fine But when we deployed in the Prod its' not able to extract the table data and giving the error msg. The peculiar thing is last friday the same code was working in my dev system and today morning again it's not able to extract data. I developed n 64 Bit OS. So there should not be any problem. still consider your thoughts and see what else can be done on this. thanks for your response. Plz let me know if you have any other thoughts.

Debashis Ghosh
Debashis Ghosh

Hi Debashis,
oh, I'm sorry I couldn't resolve it.
I can't manipulate the application and reproduce the error, so I can only suggest the general resolutions:
・The difference of the runtime environment of the Prod and Dev(the version of the OS, .NET Framework, target applications and so on)
・Use another actions such as read a cell in the table and loop for each cell.

I'm sorry I can't suggest a effective solution...

Kota Suto