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Issue in Running Bot in un attended Mode

Level 3
Hi Team, As we are trying to run bot using login agent, which contains elements which are spied through Region Mode. As bot is running fine when we are running this using Control Room (Attended Mode), but starts not responding in unattended mode for the element spied through surface automation. Please suggest what settings are required to achieve this functionality.

Level 5
Hi Goel ,    To my knowledge attended automation is where we need to provide certain inputs during its session. Unattended means no need to provide inputs , all are set using variables and parameters . And if you are using surface automatinm , then the application shld be visible and i dont think it will work in backgroud .  Someone please correct if i am wrong.    Warm Regards, Amith 

Level 3
Hey Amith   I think u are wrong, attended and non attended means without display the bot or we can say to automate the bot from another system using login agent. In that case surface automation is creating problem.  

Dpkgoel - if you are using a virtual machine then it's important that in unattended mode the desktop of the VM is persistent. Basic access tools like RDP do not maintain the desktop after disconnection, and things like screenshots and mouse clicks no longer work.