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Issue with BP Region Editor

Level 2
Hi Folks , 

I am trying to read pdf file using OCR. It is a secured file so i cant go with other options like copying the content and all.
I am trying to do it by Surface Automation Technique. I am opening my PDF file through chrome browser. Firstly i captured the full browser and it is a root element. Now am trying the capture a text in PDF ex. MEAL. With the help of region mode i tried spying it. But in region editor am not able to get the full pdf screen. Even i tried maximizing too. Because of this am not able to highlight the spied element correctly due to change in coordinate.

Screen Shots are attached for reference.

My Screen Resolution : 1920*1080

Any suggestions ?



Level 15
You might be better off saving the pdf file somewhere and passing it through some other software  to do entire document extraction.  Even MS Word has ability to open PDF and convert it all via OCR to text. 
The OCR functionality is really aimed at reading application screens rather than document processing (althought the underlying tesseract could be utilized as standalone maybe).

Denis Dennehy
Head of Customer Success, EMEA
Blue Prism Ltd

Thanks Denis for the reply.

I am just accessing the PDF file through web browser and not saved anywhere. I am wondering why I am not getting the maximum pdf screen in region editor. Any help on this ?

Also i tried using MS word to open PDF , but due to some security restriction am getting internal exception.
Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: We're sorry, the author of this document has set permissions that don't allow the content to be re-used in other applications.

Deepak B N


I don't completely understand your issue, but you can use ctrl+\ once to make it fit to height and twice to make it fit width.

I agree with Denis the right way should be to save the document elsewhere, if it is not restricted for printing then printing (using Microsoft PDF) and saving again as pdf should remove any kind of permission after which it you can copy paste content.

Gopal Bhaire