I am working on java based application. For automating Java based application we have to install the java Access Bridge (JAB). For enabling the java mode while spying I followed the below step as JRE8 is installed in my system:
From control panel I enabled the JAB by following the steps like : control panel -> Ease Of access -> Ease of access Centre
Still few of the application elements are not spy able.
As per the €œJava access bridge guideline€ from BP, they have suggested to install BPJabInstaller.exe
But I don€™t know from where and how to get that .exe file or whether do I really need to install it !
From some of the online forum they have suggested to download the Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 file from the below site and copy and paste all the files to the €œC:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate€ folder.
I am not sure whether the above suggestion will work or not as I don't have permission to download files.
Could you please guide/suggest me what are the other steps that I need to follow while automating Java based application ?
Your help will be highly appreciated.
Debashis Ghosh