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Loading Excel data into Collection

Level 4
Hi, I have excel sheet having one row Account Name(Text) and i'm trying to load the data into collection. Here my question is, the data is loading only current values only but not in initial values.when i'm looping the same collection it is giving the error like Account Name is not defined in the collection.   Can some one help me on this and Advance Happy New Year!

Level 15
This should be a fairly easy one for your to figure out with a bit of experimentation. The error suggests you have a defined collection (where you have given the collection field names) that does not match the collection you are reading in.  So your defined collection does not have a afield name called AccountName.  If you think your collection pre-defiend field is correct make sure you have not added in any spaces (either within the text or trailing). Maybe remove your field names to make your collection names dynamic, you will then be able to read in the collection and evaluate the field name.

Level 5
this is called defined and undefined collection, create the fields in the collection, you will not get an error
VamshiKrihsna Dasa System Architect Fujitsu India Consulting Pvt. Ltd.