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MAPIEx VBO - Mail Classification

Level 4
Currently our BP Process uses Blue Prism MAPIEx object to send email to outside of the company. But now our client wants to classify the mail I.e. Internal, Public, Confidential etc. before sending any Email to outside of company through BP process. Could anyone please let me know how to achieve this one by using any VBO or anything else? Note: Currently when we send any email through Outlook manually it asks for classification thus Client demands for the same way should BP use. Thanks

Level 12
I'm attaching a screenshot from my Outlook preferences.

Level 4
I have set up my outlook by making Default Sensitivity ""Confidential"". Now when I am sending an Email manually (Not using BP) still the classifier label pop up is appearing and asking for classification before sending an email. I guess we need to block that pop up to appear so that first manually i can try to sedn with default classification. Secondly i tried to send an email through BP by using the both way i.e. MAPIex and Outlook VBO. Still Email is sending but no classification was done. I guess our BP never uses the our Microsoft Outlook 2010 directly rather than it uses the .dll file and making his own configuration. What's your view on this?  

Level 12
MAPIex uses a custom dll, which interfaces with Outlook directly and has a bunch of custom code on that which makes it incredibly unstable. The Outlook VBO utilizes a dll supplied by Microsoft when you install Outlook, and uses that to interface directly with the program via MAPI.  Other than surface automating, I'm not sure what to tell you. The only time I've seen Outlook pop up a message like that was for programmatic access. I recall you saying you used a macro before, which might have something to do with it (but I'm just grasping at straws here). You could launch Outlook as admin and go through the Trust Center options, making sure 'Macro Settings' and 'Programmatic Access' are set to allow, but that's all I've got.

Level 4
Currently what we are doing is, we have prepared a macro (.xslm file) and BP uses Run Macro action to classify the documents as well as Outlook email. I checked that macro that uses both Outlook and Bolden james (Classifier) .dll file as a references and classifying for us. Thinking, why can n't we use the Boldon james .dll file along with Outlook .dll file to Outlook VBO and prepare own VBO code to send Email after classifying. Is it possible to do in this way?