08-11-24 09:45 AM
Can we automate MS Office 365 Apps web version (Excel and Outlook) using Blue Prism?
It would be very much helpful, if someone can explain the steps to do it.
Dipin Dev P
14-11-24 12:47 PM
Thanks all for your help and wonderful suggestions!
Most of the information provided are new to me.
19-11-24 04:35 PM
ah sorry @david.l.morris i posted the wrong link Blue Prism Digital Exchange
19-11-24 05:42 PM - edited 19-11-24 05:42 PM
Oh right, EWS, that's absolutely true. @DipinDevP be sure to try out the EWS object that @michaeloneil just linked to. It may not work for you, but it is worth a try. It no longer works for me where I work, and I suspect it is somehow disabled because it worked one month and then no longer ever worked again after that with the same inputs.
In fact, maybe I should revisit that and see if I can get it to work again. Maybe just needs a small code change. Not sure.
27-11-24 10:47 AM
Thank you all for your valuable suggestions!
It was a great opportunity to learn about techniques I wasn’t aware of before!