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MS Outlook VBO get received item returns unnecessary attachments

I am using Get Received item from MS Outlook VBO but in the collection, I'm getting multiple attachments while my email has only one attachment present. So basically it is saving company logo, signature, and other stuff also as an attachment. How to clear out unnecessary attachments/

I tried filtering it and it works but this will fail if the sender is attaching image file .jpg/.png

So how to filter out the original attachments and remove all other items.

Thanks & Regards,
Tejaskumar Darji
Sr. RPA Consultant-Automation Developer

Level 7
For  .jpg/.png - you can follow some standard naming convention as per process and filter it?

Manish Kumar

Level 4
Maybe try to check the sufix of the attachment like this :
EndsWith(Upper([Attachement Filename.FileName]), "XLSX")
if it does not end with  .xlsx delete the file. It should get rid of jpeg, pictures etc.

Andrzej Fidos

That is a good option and it works fine. But in my case, there are chances that the sender may attach JPG/PNG/JPEG files as an email attachment and i don't want to get rid of them.

Thanks & Regards,
Tejaskumar Darji
Sr. RPA Consultant-Automation Developer