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Mapi issues on new developer pc

Recently I switched my developer pc into a new one (Windows 10 instead of 7) and I have noticed that my old, perfectly working mapiex business object now sporadically fails to work even though I made literally no changes to the release at all. Does anyone else have any issues by going to this operating system, or by upgrading the BP version to the latest 5.0.32? Thanks!

Level 4
Currently work on Windows 10 any MAPIEx works fine for me, generally. Sometimes seems to hang, but I think that more to do with my email account. Use 5.0.24 Blue Prism version, and may stay on this now! May be worth you confirming that MAPIEx has been installed as per the guidelines on the install document. Only supported as 32-bit and you have to change a couple of settings somewhere to read from the correct directory. Assume you've tried and done that though?

We have been able to run our process on a Windows 10 OS as well on other clients, I am going to try an old and new release of our project on a previous version of BP and I'll come back to this topic with my findings. Thanks for the tips but I have indeed done these suggested steps in the installation guide already.

Exporting my release from the new BP version to the old one causes a few mistakes to slip in such as some inspected text fields in the application modeler of an object are simply gone. This is one of the multiple issues found with upgrading to the latest version. I am going to stick to old blue prism versions to allow for safer development. The mapi project is mostly fixed by using the older BP version so I'm sticking with 5.0.18 from now on.