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Memory Leak

Level 3
Hello, I'm getting an Out Of Memory Error and i don't really understand where it comes from. In my object / process I go through a list, and store two string of each rows in a collection. The list has a span of 5000 elements but i get this error when it has ran through half the list. So I thought it came form the collection that was too big, so I decided to it with small collection of hundred elements, and then loop to start over. But I can see via the Resource Monitor, that the memory allowed to BluePrism just keeps increasing even when I remove all the rows of the collection and start over the loop. So what could I do for it not to burst ? Thanks, Florian

Level 3
Ok I think I can rephrase it by: Is their any mean of forcing the garbage collector to collect my deleted values at some point ? Thanks

Level 15
Resource Monitor/Task Manager is not a great tool for seeing how Blue Prism (a .Net application) is managing or releasing it's memory. My recommendations are: You are doing the correct thing by breaking down your flow to work with a smaller number of rows If you ever want to monitor the memory used by Blue Prism there is an option to turn on additional memory logging in System Manager. This can be used to view the memeor used in your session logs. If you are using Excel, my recommendation is to send a Kill Process (in one of the utility objects) to Excel after every time you use it. Even when manually using Excel it can sometimes keep system resources after use.

Level 3
Ok thank you. I'll see that but I'm unable to find where I can turn the additional memory logging, where is this in the System Manager please ? Moreover, I don't think that it because of Excel I get this error, I know taht the Resource Monitor isn't the best tool to track the memory, but when I do track it with it, I don't see the Excel allocated memory grow instead it's quite steady in fact, only the BluePrism's memory grows over time. But again I'll check that with the additional logs as soon I figure out where to turn them on thanks !

Level 15
You can change the logging level in System Manager->Resources->Resource Management. Right click on the resource and you will get a logging level option to log memory information. This will then be viewable in Session Logs. Please remember to turn off any additional logging you turn on when you have finished your analysis - as additional log data uses database space.