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Move Blue Prism release from v6.6 to v6.4

Level 3
I am currently working on a project using Blue Prism v6.6. Now I need to move the release from v6.6 to v6.4. But when I do this the stages start appearing in a stacked manner with lots of errors. I know that with v6.6 there has been an XML change in Blue Prism. Is there a way to move the release from v6.6 to v6.4 without encountering these issues? Is there some change I can make to the XML of the processes and object to make it work?

Kunal Doshi

Level 10
Objects and processes exported from version 6.6 cannot be used in previous versions of Blue Prism. This is because the format in which objects and processes are stored has been optimized to reduce their size in the database. All new objects and processes created in version 6.6 will utilize the new format and pre-existing objects and processes will be updated to the new format when they are opened in version 6.6.

Theoretically, what you are trying to achieve is way complex and time consuming to change the new XML's to old format.

Vivek Goel
RPA Architect

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