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Need to select the list item from mouse Hover drop-down list

Level 2

Hi all, Can you please anyone suggest how to click on the mouse hover drop down list & I need to Hover & select the Excel from the list (as attached). I've tried to spy the item & trying to click but it is not working at all. Please suggest me with your solution. Thanks !!


Level 2

Any solutions ??

Level 6

Can you provide more details

what is the type of element?

Attributes of the element

How you configured click action

What is the spy mode ? 


Level 7

Hi Ravi Kumar,

There are couple of ways of achieving this. If it's a web application spy it in browser mode and perform click operation, if the click operation is not working as expected spy the element in UIA mode and use global mouse hover and global mouse click centre this will help you in clicking the excel option by hovering on top of it.

Hope this helps...

Babjee Vangipurapu
Senior RPA Developer

Hi Ravi Kumar,

Just to add you can also  try this

1) Focus on the element

2) Global mouse click centre

3) Global send keys  - Try {DOWN} option  a if the excel word is always in the 3rd row  use some thing like {DOWN 3}

4) Global Send keys - {ENTER}

If I answered your query. Please mark it as the Best Answer

Harish Mogulluri