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Not able to activate the Browser window in unattendent mode.

Not applicable
Hi, I am using browser mode to run the application.  I am trying to activate the browser window by creating an element in window mode. It Is working fine in attendant mode but failed in unattendant mode with error "Could not identify process owning the current foreground window".   I rebooted my machine multiple times but no luck. only one user is logged in on this machine. I am not able to get the resolution. Please help

Level 15
I recommend taking the mandatory training guides for the tech lead role (Virtualization guide/remote access tool guide/etc..) and hitting the technical lead that has designed your environment over the head with them....  🙂  The error you are getting indicates the guide recommendations are not being followed and your virtual desktops are either not Persistent or you are using a tool like RDP to access them (which our guides specifically say not to do).  The error then occurs because the desktop does not visually exist when no one is connected to it.