19-05-20 12:06 PM
31-05-20 01:16 AM
31-05-20 02:36 PM
Thank you for your response.
We have shifted to the Power BI server to avoid compatibility issues. However, if we work with power BI server I feel that we might face issues when we move from one environment to another (for example development environment to quality environment). Below I have tried to explain the issue we might face but if there is a way we can connect over call it would be much easier to explain this.
Potential Issue:
I would like to explain the issue in detail over a call if possible for greater clarity. Also, I wan to get better clarity on what happens and how the processes are run when the controller runs them from the control room.
Currently we are stuck up with this issuea and I would be highly obliged if someone can assist with this.
Shobhit Malaviya
31-05-20 07:01 PM
Hey Shobhit,
There are ways to share a Power BI dashboard with a wider audience. The best answer that I found in my research is as below (https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Service/Share-a-dashboard-with-everyone-in-organization/m-p/161533#M22594😞
"When sharing a dashboard, you can use a distribution list, security group, or Office 365 group to reach multiple people at once. You can create group in O365 admin center and add all organization members into it. See: Create an Office 365 group in the admin center".
A key advantage of "sharing" the dashboard is the security it offers against unintended changes; only the dashboard owner can make changes to it while people on the distribution list can only view it. In order to protect the dashboard against accidental changes, my suggestion will be to manage creation and maintenance of the dashboard using a secure Power BI account, access to which should be controlled via your organization/customer's security and governance policies.
Some other reference material for you to explore is:
1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-share-dashboards
2. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/create-reports/desktop-upload-desktop-files
02-11-20 08:45 PM
03-11-20 12:20 AM
03-11-20 01:04 AM