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Process as web service

Level 2
We have created a process and exposed it as a web service. It is getting listed on http://localhost:8181/ws/ Out set up is SSO based. Howeverm when we try to consume the web service we get a 401 authentication faliure. I am passing the credentials using basic auth. Has anyone come across this situation. Would be great to know if there is a solution for this.

Level 15
Are you running Blue Prism as a resourcepc or are you running it as a logged in user.  If you are running the full Blue Prism UI logged in as you then you are effectively running a resourcepc only usable by yourself.  Experiment with running different user modes of /resourcepc

Level 2
We will explore & update you. We were doing it through runtime resource PC only. Let me check by changing different user mode. Thanks Denis for reply.

Level 2
Hi Denis We tried webservice hit using Logged in ResourcePC & runtime Resource PC also, but facing same issue. It gives 401 unauthorise access. This is hosted with single sign on authentication. We also tried with Blue Prism Administrator credentilals, but no luck. We also noticed that if we hit http://localhost:8181/user name followed by http://localhost:8181/password , but it says user authentication failed. Please suggest

Level 3
Hi,   Could we get some help from Blue Prism support on how to handle webservices  when using SSO?   A bit of background: With webservices in Javascript for example, standard practice is to add an authorization header to the HTTP request i.e. http.setRequestHeader(""Authorization"", ""Basic %KEY%"") where %KEY% is  'username:password' encoded in Base64 (this works fine with BP as long as you are not in SSO set-up)   What about an SSO set-up? what authorization header is to be passed to the Blue Prism Web service?  Thanks a lot for your support

Level 7
I'd like to join this thread with exactly the same problem as Jerome or Shah has. Our BP instance (5.0.30) is configured with SSO. I've built simplest possible process (no inputs, 2 outputs), published & exposed it. Now:   I can see WSDL via http://ResourcePC:8191/ws/ProcessName?wsdl 3rd party tools (SoapUI, Postman) are able to see it, but posting query results into an error:HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Content-Length: 0 Cache-Control: no-cache ... I've even tried adding it back to BP as a webservice (System -> Objects -> Web Services). All outputs are recognized. Unfortunately doesn't matter what I select in step ""Please supply authentication details for this web service"", I get an error ""Internal : Unexpected error Error in web service - You are not authorised to call this webservice"" while calling it. I've tried unticking everything, using my SSO users User/password - same. It definitely seems like an issue with SSO, because once I had same setup on BP without SSO, it worked straight away.

Level 7
It would be great to get Blue Prism support opinion on this. General issue is straightforward: BluePrism authentication is fully based on SSO BluePrism webservice is ""secured using HTTP authentication"" (see, page 45, question 7) Web service can't be utilized - error 401 Unauthorized Question: How to authenticate here?  

Level 2
Same issue here, has anyone been able to resolve this. What has everyone used as parameters to automate.exe?