30-03-23 12:57 PM
With SS&C | Blue Prism® Capture, reduce time-to-automation by up to 75%
Capture enables your organization to accurately record a process and rapidly generate an automation prototype. We are delivering industry-leading recording accuracy by utilizing the same underlying technology as SS&C | Blue Prism Enterprise. Process developers are given a significant helping-hand with an accurate and optimized process containing process steps, business objects, and Application Modeller data.
Available free to all Blue Prism customers, Capture 4.0 reduces time and effort when producing enterprise automation assets.
With Capture 4.0, you can:
Capture 4.0 is available now on the Blue Prism Customer Portal.
For guidance on how to install, use, and get the most out of Capture 4.0, see the online documentation.
30-03-23 04:03 PM
This is exciting - we will be testing it this week!
30-03-23 04:13 PM
@jessetutt we will catch-up later and discuss how you find it 🙂
Hoping that you will be pleased. Have a great day!
30-03-23 06:49 PM