Hi Steve, I can specify whar I mean with my question.
When we download software from a third part we want be sure that the packaget that is downloaded
Is protected, in other words signed. The rationale for that is to be sure that the package not is manipulated.
Usually encryption and/or certificate is used to perform the sign.
Kind regards,
Från: Steve Boggs via Blue Prism Community <Mail@blueprism.email>
Skickat: den 12 januari 2023 21:22
Till: Carlsson Peter <Peter.Carlsson@transportstyrelsen.se>
Ämne: [EXTERN-MASSMAIL]BP Installation package
Hi Peter, All Blue Prism software is audited and certified, with more information in this Knowledge Base article here. We have security and... -posted to the "Blue Prism RPA Product" community
Re: BP Installation package | | | Hi Peter, All Blue Prism software is audited and certified, with more information in this Knowledge Base article here. We have security and compliance documentation linked in this KB article here as well. If these resources don't address your question here, could you please be more specific on what kind of information you're looking for with regard to the installation packages themselves? | | Reply to Group Online View Thread | ------------------------- Original Message: Sent: 01-11-2023 09:05 From: Peter Carlsson Subject: BP Installation package Is the BP installation package signed or protected in some way? Kind regards, /Peter | | You are receiving this message because you followed the Question 'BP Installation package'. To unsubscribe from this message thread, go to Unsubscribe. Update your email preferences to choose the types of email you receive  | | |