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Scheduler does not work

Level 6
​Hi, All, would like to seek for helps from you. Our current structure is Server(App and DB) and Runtime Resource. It works well always from day 1. But few days ago, scheduler does not work on one resource even though manually click Run Now. Only manually trigger processes to this machine from control room can work. What the problem it may be? I have tried to reboot this machine but no help.

Eric Li
Operation Analysis

Level 10
1- Is the machine (runtime) already connected to the APP server?. You can check that from the control panel if the machine shows connected.
2- If it doesn't show connected, did you recently change the password for your machine?
3- Check if your runtime resource service is running on the machine.

Vivek Goel
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​Thanks Vivek.  This machine looks quite healthy as others in control panel. No password changed, service is running.

Eric Li
Operation Analysis

Level 9
Do the scheduler logs have any error messages related to that schedule?

Side note: in order for "Run Now" to work as expected, you'll have to be in the same time zone as the app server. That might be why it failed wen you tried to manually run the schedule, however that wouldn't have an impact on the overall issue of the schedule failing.

Nicholas Zejdlik
RPA Developer

In extension to Nicholas, 'Run now' Uses your local time and puts this into the server. Example: If you live in XXX and server is +1 hours away from, then it will never run, as time when Blue Prism should run has already passed. If server is -1 hour, then it will run in 1 hour from now, as you are 1 hour behind the servers clock.

Please test your time settings on server and database. Lastly what you can do is to press 'Run Now', then look into the Blue Prism database for the entry you just created. I can't remember the table name, but should be possible to find.

Frank Jelstrup

Thanks,​Nicholas and Frank, I have checked all resources, they have the same time zone setting with app server. that is strange why only this one resource cannot works suddenly, others are working well as usual. And I will try to check the log, hope can have findings.

Eric Li
Operation Analysis

Read an exception message from scheduler activity report as below. Connection checking from App to Resource have been made, the connection is valid. What further checking should be made to identify the root cause?


Eric Li
Operation Analysis

There is an article in the support center for that particular error:

If you are using Login Agent, I'd make sure there's enough time between logging in on the resource and the process kicking off. Otherwise, if the article doesn't help and the issue continues, you may want to log a support ticket with Blue Prism.

We used to have similar issues before migrating to a custom built scheduler. Schedules would fail randomly, even though there were no connection issues at all. Never could figure out the source, although I did not engage Blue Prism support since we were moving to the custom built scheduler regardless. Now that all of our scheduled processes are kicked off via automatec.exe using the /resource argument, we have never encountered a connection issue.

Nicholas Zejdlik
RPA Developer

​Thanks, Nicholas

The issue has been fixed after restart the service 'Blue Prism Server' on App Server.

Eric Li
Operation Analysis