Hi Chloe,
I had this issue as well and spent a few hours with trial and error using html code within the body of the email. There is a good website where you can learn different things in regards to the HTML code like how to change the font/colour, add hyperlinks and also images -
https://www.w3schools.com/I have copied and pasted an example that I use for one my emails which you could use as the basis and just change the text/data items. One thing I found was that the image had to be on a webpage somewhere before it could be embedded but not sure if this is always the rule or if this was the only way I found of doing it.
"<p style=font-family:times new roman;>Dear "&Left([GV - Item Data.Please provide your line manager's email address],InStr([GV - Item Data.Please provide your line manager's email address], ".")-1)&","&"<br><br>
Please note that "&[GV - Item Data.First (Preferred) Name]&" "&[GV - Item Data.Last Name]&" has completed a self-certification for an absence due to illness for the dates "&[GV - Item Data.First day of absence]&" to "&[GV - Item Data.Last day of absence]&"."&"<br><br>
Please ensure a return to work conversation has taken place with the employee."&"<br><br>
For information regarding the sickness policy please "&"<a href=https://arup.sharepoint.com/sites/Essentials-UKMEA/human-resources/Pages/sickness-absence-uk-policy.aspx>"&"click here"&"</a>"&". If you need any further support, please contact the People Team."&"<br><br>
<p style=color:MediumVioletRed;font-family:times new roman;>The People Team</p>"&"<br>"&
"<img src=https://arup.sharepoint.com/sites/Essentials-UKMEA/human-resources/PublishingImages/Pages/resources/Health%20and%20Wellbeing%20Stamp.png width=100 height=100>"&
"<p style=font-family:times new roman;>For further information on Arup Health & Wellbeing events, "&"<a href=https://arup.sharepoint.com/sites/Essentials-UKMEA/human-resources/Pages/calendar-events.aspx>"&"click here."&"</a>
Hope this helps.
Sophie Katherine Smith
HR Systems, Data and Quality Assurance Manager