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Sending logic expression to object via Data Item

Level 3
Hello, I've got quite troubling problem. I want to make an universal object to which i input 2 collections and make some data manipulation in it based on expression on "IF" stage. I'm sending logic expression as data item (e.g "[Field1 > Field2]" - where Field1,2 - name of the columns in collection ) but the "IF" stage won't read it as exppression - it reads it as regular text which does not result in yes/no decision. Is there a way to send full logic expression to "IF" stage on object ?? It would help me so much. Thanks Kamil

Your basic syntax is wrong and I suggest you return to the section on collections in the Foundation training. The expression should be something like [CollectionA.Field1] > [CollectionB.Field2]

Level 3
Hey, Let me give you an similar example: There is an action called ""Filter Collection"" in ""Utility - Collection Manipulation"" bussines object. The input requires filter - for example ""[Field1] > '1'"". But I want to send number dynamically ""[Field1] > [counter]"". I've tried and I've failed. Is there a way to do that ?

Level 4
Hey Kamil, Your solution would be to use: ""[Field1] > '"" & [counter] & ""'"" This should solve your problem. However this syntax is specifically for ""Filter Collection"" action. For other generic calculations, you need to follow what John has mentioned.

Level 3
Thank you very much! That's it!