Hi Daniel,
Good workaround so far, to help in the meantime with the workaround you could do the following to ease any manual handling.
Have a check at the start of the process to see if your 'temp folder' exists in the right place, if it doesn't then have the process create it for you.
Then the process runs as you have got it to save the file locally and then send it over to Sharepoint.
To cap it all off you can then delete the local file so you don't have to worry about local storage affecting your memory.
If you create 1 file path in Sharepoint and then when saving files include a time stamp of 'filename DD_MM_YYYY' or whatever date format suits, this should mean you need to make 1 manual file and then the process will dump them in there in the right order for you to track and group much easier.
Hope this helped,
Best Regards,
Ronan Considine
Senior Business Analyst
Blue Prism