There are a couple of ways to handle this.
Direct InvocationWhen you expose a process as a SOAP web service in Blue Prism, it can be directly invoked from any client capable of making an HTTP Post call using the URL format
http://[Runtime Resource IP/Hostname]:[RR Port]/ws/[Process Name Endpoint]. Ideally, your client application would interrogate the WSDL to get the details of the process, it's endpoint info, parameters, etc. You can get the list of exposed processes and their WSDLs by navigating to http://[Runtime Resource]:8181/ws/ (Note: 8181 is the default OOTB port for Blue Prism Runtime Resources).
The downside to this approach is that you would have to have 5 available Runtime Resources and you would have to start the process on each of them by calling them directly.
Load BalancerThe better approach would be to have a load balancer in front of the Runtime Resources. Your client would submit it's request to the start the process to the load balancer and it would be its responsibility to send that request to a specific Runtime Resource. There are various load balancer schemes with the most common being Round Robin.
Work QueueYou could also go the path of simply submitting work through a simple VBO exposed as SOAP web service. That VBO would push the work into a work queue that could be monitored by your processes running on a schedule.
Resource PoolAnother approach, what I refer to as the "Poor mans load balancer", is the Resource Pool feature in Blue Prism. This depends on what version of BP you're running though. I don't recall the specific version it was introduced in, but I think it may have been v6.4. This feature allows you to group a set of Runtime Resources in such a way that you can submit work to just the controller RR and it will distribute that work to one of the available RR's in the pool. You can find more information about Resource Pools in the documentation (
Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange