Could anyone offer some advice regarding spying PopUps that are not routine (ie, they may not always Pop Up at this time)
I am happy with the concept that spying PopUps requires a separate Object, and can successfully handle PopUps that occur routinely throughout the application that I am modelling.
The issue I have is in instances when a PopUp may or may not occur. Ordinarily I would 'Attach' the PopUp handling object, and then use a Wait Stage, with a 'Check Exists' to handle PopUps I know are going to occur - however in order to use 'Check Exists' the object needs to have attached, however if you don't know if the PopUp is going to be active at this point, you cant attach (as if the PopUp hasn't launched, this will generate an error).
So my question is - if a PopUp 'MAY' occur at some point in an application, rather than 'WILL' occur - how do you handle that?
Many thanks,