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Surface Automation not able to read text when running through login agent

Level 3
Hi, My BP objects uses surface automation technique to read a text from application and it works fine when running through VDI with an active user session. However the same piece of code fails to read any text on the screen using the same surface automation when running through login agent. We are using same screen resolution when we run through login agent and also with active user session. When we tried to export the data read through login agent we see only blank spaces and "|" symbol. Object spying works fine when running through login agent. However it is not able to read any text on the screen when run through login agent Can you please advise if someone has faced similar issue and able to resolve it?

Are you using RDP to look at the machine? RDP is not a recommended remote access tool. When you disconnect RDP is destroys the desktop and techniques like global mouse click and SA cannot work.…

Level 3
Hi John, Thank you for your response. Yes I agree that mouse click events, SA techniques will not work when VDI is disconnected using active user session. But we are trying to login to VDI through login agent and we will not face any disconnection until we pass logout process to the VDI. We are able to perform global mouse clicks and SA region clicks.However we are not able to read any text from the application through login agent feature.When we export the data read, we could see only blank spaces and commas. The same process works with active user session on VDI. However with login agent it fails to read text from the application. Can you please advise if this could be due to any font smoothing features or due to any other issue?

Yes font smoothing must be off for character matching to work, also check that the resolution is what you think it is. The Utility - Environment object has the ability to detect both of these settings.

Hi John, Thank you for your response. I could see the resolution remains same. however the Font smoothing is enabled when it runs through login agent. I will post you once it is resolved. Thanks again 🙂

Level 3
We have faced the same issue and fixed it recently : Firstly, Please check the desktop resolution is same while spying the element and when Login agent boots the machine up. In both cases, the resolution should be same. 2) Disable the Font smoothing in the machine. When developer login into machine then by default the font smoothing is disabled but it's enabled when login agent brings the machine up.Please disable the Fond smoothing. Kindly refer the attached document and let me know if it fixes the issue.