I am having an issue today where the tool box rows are not where they are supposed to be, and it's messing with my workflow and efficiency.

As we can see here, they are all over the place.
I have tried the following:
- Under View -> Tool Boxes I have unlocked them, placed them where they should be, locked them and restarted the process. Position has moved to some random looking position.
- Under View -> Tool Boxes I have tested step 1 both with "Remember tool positions" on and off.
- I have tried saving The process after performing step 1 and 2.
- I have tried step 1 through 3 and then closed down Blue Prism, making sure instances are closed.
After restarting application, I still see the tool box rows in the incorrect placement.
Does anyone have any clue why this is happening?
It happened to me once before, over a year ago, but I don't remember what fixed it then.