Thanks Marylin. Looking at the screenshot, I'm wondering if the grid itself is misplaced, and that's throwing everything off.
You need to spy the 'inner' window of the application, not the outer main window, so that the top left of the grid is where the green line is here below, rather than where the red is.

Once you've done that, the grid cells should sit fairly neatly over the text, with each character occupying its own cell. The grid doesn't have to be perfect, because all it's really is doing is showing you the rows and columns occupied by the text on the screen. Below you can see the grid isn't perfectly on 'Username', but's probably enough to see that it's row 10.

Note that it's possible to resize the grid by dragging the bottom right corner - you may want to nudge the grid a little to get it to sit nicely over all the text.

John Carter
Professional Services
Blue Prism