this is the document about exposing VBO and processes to web interfaces.
also, @Wade, you are in the realm of automation, surely you have the capabilities to build this yourself in conjunction with the COE? Something to monitor the control room and how robots are performing. There are many, many approaches to how a team could build this but i'll list a couple here if any apply to you consider bring it up with your team as a potential solution:
sending emails to the platform team who support production, a team with the responsibility of following these requests then
in certain scenarios making a robot write all encountered issues to a remote location for someone/a robot to pick up regularly and then create requests off of
agreeing with the access management teams in the company a method of supplying requests to them via the robots
excel tools to automate creation and/or sending of most common tickets to central locale for approval
there's a lot of bespoke solutions to consider out there, Blueprism can't include out of the box functionality for every ticketing system going (though of course that would be nice
🙂 ) but it can definitely be crafted to suit your needs quite well