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Forum Posts

Collection - Field as variable

Hi y'all, is there a possibilty to reference to a field in collection, when the name of fields is stored in varaible/data item? I tried to different method to write this one, but nothing works e.g. [Colletion.&[dataItem]&] Have any of you tried thi...

User from Trusted Domain is not able to login using SSO

Hi, I have two Trusted domains (DomainA and DomainB) that are not from same forest. BP App server is configured with DomainA and AD groups from DomainA. There is a user from DomainB that is member of one such DomainA group. Though users from DomainA...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Signon failed - An internal or connection error occurred.

I have added a new Active Directory Group to Users - Manage Users Roles. There weren't any errors adding it, but now no users can log on to Blue Prism. The following error appears: Signon failed - An internal or connection error occurred. Blue Pri...

WillEls by Level 2
  • 1 replies

Open Workbook error

Hi, I am facing a problem with opening Excel. I did a small flow using MS Excel VBO. Workflow consists of 3 objects: 1. Open Instance (Input - whole path of file, Output - handle) 2. Open Workbook (Input - handle, File name whole path of file) -> I...

Reading Table

I am reading a table that produces an initial blank Column1. After the read action I'm using an action to delete that column; which one of the outputs for that action is a success flag. My issue is that success flag is coming back as False every tim...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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How to Add Borders to Cell In Excel

Hi Everybody, I need to add borders to a cell or a range in excel and i dont know how to do that. I was using this code: GetWorkbook(handle,Nothing).ActiveSheet.Range(cellref,cellref).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous Is Not working with that. I h...

Spying an pop-up Windows Explorer screen

Maybe an easy question, but could not find it myself. When spying a webbrowser, I get a windows explorer pop-up screen for attaching a file. How do I spy elements on this explorer screen? I cannot seem to attach to the screen when using a windows bas...

Different Run mods in Blue prism

Hi all, What are the different Run modes in Blue Priam. If any have documents related to run modes. Please share the path. Thanks in advance. Regards, Ram Prasad

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Regarding region mode

Hi Team, I have a doubt like I am doing browser automation. I have used region mode to spy element. Now i am running my workflow in different environment where the device screen changes from my PC screen. Its not able to identify the region i have c...

Stage Logging Defaults to Disabled

Hello, Does anyone know of any system settings regarding stage logging? I have noticed lately that any new item I add into my process or objects automatically has the stage logging set to disabled. This has led to debugging to be quite hard when a ...