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Time taken to complete process is more in BluePrism compared to Openspan

Level 2
We have a IE application which is currently automated using BluePrism takes around 4 - 5 mins to complete the one task. Manually when run takes around 2.5 mins and in Openspan tool takes 45 sec. Could you please guide us how we can achieve better performance.

Level 12
Hard to make suggestions without seeing the code.

Level 7
As Amibarrett says, difficult without seeing code, however my #1 check for performance is to see how much logging is being done on each stage. If it works, you can go back and enable logging for important stages only.  If it makes no substancial difference you can reenable logging across the board, no harm no foul.  Makes most difference for processes with lots of loops. My Experience: If you haven't done this yet it could make a big difference, my company had two processes both containing lots of loops, we cut down run time of one of them from 3-5 hours down to a few minutes, about 50x faster.  The other one went from 3 minutes to just 50 seconds, almost 4x faster. What To Do: Try disabling logging for everything except errors.  How to do it:For a single Stage - Right click a stage, go to 'properties', on the bottom left there is an option called 'Stage Logging', default is 'Enabled' which logs everything to your DB, change to 'Errors only'. For a few at once - click and hold to create a box and select multiple items or shift-click multiple items.  Then with the items selected g ot othe 'Edit' tab at the top of the screen and go to the 'Selected Stages' and select 'Log Errors only'. For literally everything in the process - go to edit in the ribbon, click 'All stages' and select 'Log Errors Only'.  Careful with this one though, it is right beside the 'Selected Stages' option and you could end up doign this to everything in error.  Probably won't matter but if you've already gone through the entire process and enabled logging for specific stages only you'll be undoing all that work if you save. Why: Every time an event is logged, BP bot has to be delayed by a few milliseconds waiting for repsonse from the DB server, if the code is logging the most basic events that only take a fraction of a second to run, your robot might be spending more time waiting for a response from a server than actually doing anything.    

Level 14
I'm guessing that you are not using the same method to identify elements between the two tools. They use the same technology, so there's no reason one would be that much faster than the other. If you are using the same spy/interrogation/selector mode in both tools and using the exact same selectors/attributes, then my next thing to check would be to find out specifically which stages are going slower in Blue Prism compared to OpenSpan and troublehshoot from there. You might as well test out Ben's suggestion as well. And along a similar vein, one thing to keep in mind is that Blue Prism is not designed to run in DEBUG mode efficiently. If you are comparing OpenSpan and Blue Prism in DEBUG mode (that is, in Process Studio), then Blue Prism will absolutely go much slower than it would from Control Room. I don't know anything about OpenSpan so I don't know whether it's designed similarly or if it's intended for the Process Diagram to show when it's running.
Dave Morris 3Ci at Southern Company Atlanta, GA

Level 12
If we're talking general tips, I'll toss in a few more, in addition to the great ones @Ben_M31 and @david.l.morris suggested. 1) Connect the bots to the DB directly, rather than the application server. 2) Try not to rely on the built in ""Sleep"" action. It's usually better to do a wait stage that checks ""Item Exists"" on an element.    2a) If you have to rely on sleep, you should probably duplicate it and redo it to wait in .25 second increments. We've found that the sleep action by default halts threads, whereas doing it in .25s chunks will let some of the processing get through. 3) Only use Active Accessibility if there is no other option. If you have to go with it, consider adding checks for 'Ordinal', 'Parent Ordinal', 'Ancestor Count', 'aAncestor Count', 'Child Count' and 'Parent Child Count'.

Level 2
Thank you Ben, David and Amibarrett  for your valuable comments, will verify as per your suggestions and come back.