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Unable to add values in Nested Collection

Not applicable
Any idea on how to add row in nested collection? ( I'm using collection having name Email and in that collection I have one another collection called Attachments(having one field called Path (I want to store path of all the attachments in this field) PROBLEM : Whenever I'm trying to add row in Email.Attachment collection, getting error--- "Internal : Failed to find any collection stage with name 'Email.Attachments') How to fix this issue??

Level 6
An suggestion is to make a new collection, add new rows then the attachments like you would usually do repeat as many times as necessary. Then you use a calculation stage to replace the collection within the collection with the one you have made. So it would be like this: 1. Make Collection ""Attachments"" 2. Add new row and value to ""Attachments"" 3. Keep doing step 2 until satisfied then move onto step 4 4. Use a calculation stage to store the collection ""Attachments"" in the collection ""Email"" 5. If you need to do this on multiple rows in the collection ""Email"", just surround all these steps with a loop of the collection ""Email"". Good luck and have fun

Not applicable
Thanks joakimeklund 🙂

No problem! Glad I could help!

Level 3
Hi , I am trying to access Sybase database through blue prism. I am getting the below error. Please provide the solution any one. Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: An OLE DB Provider was not specified in the Connection String. An example would be, 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;'. Thanks venkat

To execute an oledb query you need to specify the correct connection details. is a useful site. The oledb driver you specify also needs to be on the local machine.