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Unable to double click link - tried several solutions

Level 4
Hi all, 

I'm facing an issue where I need to double click a link on a dynamically-found link that will open up a document. This was previously working in IE (and IEMode in Edge), but I've been working on migrating it to chrome. This is the only element I'm having issues with.

For context, I have the BOT currently picking up the xpaths for the documents and then looping over them to open up the documents. The xpaths are working perfectly; They can global hover and click just fine, but when double click is set up - nothing happens.

What I've tried so far:
-Focus/Global Hover/Hover/Activate Window(from browser element) and then DoubleClick element.
-Focus and 2 click expressions back to back.
-Tried separating the 2 click expressions into separate stages.
-Tried changing the element type to different HTML items.
-When I was stepping over any configuration mentioned above during my testing, it would randomly work at low chances. This got me to build a retry loop over this navigate stage, but this didn't work either.
-Tried identifying element in Browser Mode and UI Mode to see if there was a difference. There was none.

What I've tested that works, but I'm not sure how to get screen coordinates/position for the dynamic element:
-Global hover on dynamic element and then Global Double Mouse Click on browser element(X and Y were statically tested of course).

Attributes picked up from Browser mode

Attributes picked up from Browser mode (the table cell holding the element above)

Attributes picked up from UIA Mode

The webpage in question. The Highlighted item is what needs to be double-clicked in order to open the document.

Please let me know if there is more information needed. I'm hoping this element doesn't hold me back to go back to IEMode and waste the time I've worked on this chrome migration.

Many thanks.

Saul Galaviz

Coordinates (x, y) will work, I just don't think I'll be able to get them from these dynamically found documents as they don't return any attributes which contain their screen position.

I'm thinking I might have to revert to IE mode at this point.

Saul Galaviz

@Saul Galaviz

The element screenshots from your application modeler have some X,Y coordinates among the attributes(UIA X, UIA Y, Web X, Web Y, etc.). Are these the coordinates that you need to double click at? Did you already try reading the coordinate attributes using read stage as below?

Also if your are using the latest version of Utility - General from DX, there is a action to perform Mouse Click at desired coordinates. You can call a sleep action in between two click stages to mimic double clicks.

Shashank Kumar
DX Integrations Partner Consultant
Blue Prism

Level 3
@ Saul,

Once I faced the same challenge of double-clicking​, that time I set the focus on that button/link and then through the send keys press the Enter button. It worked well in my case. You can try it.


Kanchan Agarwal
Business Associate RPA
Agilent Technologies

Hi Shashank,

The X and Y attributes refer to the X and Y lengths of the dimensions (the element found was X x Y pixels). I have no elements to go off of in order to simply click the position at the correct element.

Saul Galaviz

Hi Kanchan,

Enter is not an option in my case. It is an intranet application and it simply wasn't programmed to accept enter as a double click in this section of the application.

Saul Galaviz

@Saul Galaviz

You mentioned about the Global hover ​ in your initial post. Were you able to get the cursor over the element to be clicked?

Shashank Kumar
DX Integrations Partner Consultant
Blue Prism

Level 4
Hi Saul ,

If you are able to spy the element and able to get a option for Click Center etc .,
After spying the element can you change element Type to "Button" and the attributes similar to "Button" and check if you are getting double click option and select .
Hope this helps .

Satish Gunturi
Senior Consultant
Ignite IPA Pvt Ltd .

Satish Gunturi


No I haven't. Global hover works fine by mousing over the correct element but afterwards I'm unable to retrieve a consistent double single click/double click.
At this point, I've already reverted to IEMode from chrome.

Saul Galaviz

I tried this manually but it didn't work; Tried is again in the BOT by selected the element and then clicking enter with no success. It's an intranet application that is probably different with how you interact with windows based elements is why I'm assuming this won't do it.

At this point, I've already reverted to IEMode from chrome.

Saul Galaviz


I tried making this into a Button previously. This wasn't working for me either when I tried any combination of click/doubl click.

At this point, I've already reverted to IEMode from chrome.

Saul Galaviz