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Unable to enter password in mainframe system

Level 4
Hi - I have successfully spied the username and password fields on mainframe screens, when I try to pass username my process enter the username correctly and then I press tab key which is also successfully executed, then I pass password(which is a blend of capital character + number + lower case character) it doesn't typed in. Also after typing in password I need to press control key to log in the system but it doesn't accept. It gives me an error. The way I keyed in Control is : {CONTROL}, . Please suggest the way to do it. Thanks

Level 15
Hello. What mainframe emulator are you using? Are you using the hllapi mainframe interface or are you trying to use Surface Automation techniques? If you are using the mainframe interface I would recommend trying both write stage and send keys in a navigate stage. Also, for some mainframes the cursor may need to be in the correct location at the username password prompts, so you may need to send some tabs first. They keys CONTROL keys you have given are for Send Key Events interface, so that might mean you are interfacing with the mainframe using Surface Automation for some reason (is it over Citrix?). If that is the case ensure you follow all the SA training to activate windows/controls and have tiny waits, etc. You may still need to send tab keys to get to the correct location. There is a guide in the learning area of the portal all about surface automation of mainframe emulators.

Hi, Thanks for response. I am using IBM Personal Communicator PCOM API, I am not trying with surface automation technique. My process diagram looks like : First navigate stage to launch mainframe application, then type is username using write stage, then press tab key (until here everything works correctly), then again use write key to type password and then press control key by sending global send key events by writing like this ""{CTRL}"". It's not over citrix. It goes to password field and then press tab key instead of typing the entire password.

Level 15
Your ""{CTRL}"" keystrokes will not work as part of your mainframe hllapi interface. Are you sending them via a second Windows object instead? Also in the PCOMM emulator, the [enter] key is mapped to NEXT LINE (NL) by default. If that setting is incorrect for the mainframe application (which is sometimes the case) and it should be mapped to [CTRL ENTER] instead - this can be done in the keyboard mapping options within the PCOMM emulator (Edit->Preferences->Keyboard->Customise Keyboard..)

Thank you, it worked, I changed the setting from newline to enter. I created my own keyboard and use that file post which it worked fine.