20-04-18 04:19 PM
20-04-18 06:24 PM
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10-11-18 12:44 AM
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09-09-20 12:34 PM
06-10-22 01:21 PM
13-06-23 04:49 PM
A MISSING RUNNER message can be produced if a resource receives a request to do something for a session (start it, get its status, etc), and it doesn't recognize the session ID given as one of the ones that it has registered (in a 'Runner Record' - hence 'Missing Runner').
Reboot the Runtime Resource that the process is assigned to run on. This has worked in cases where the processes are obviously not consuming resources on the Runtime Resource, but the Control Room still shows the process as 'Running'.
If you have access to the database used by Blue Prism then run the following SQL query against that database in order to remove the pending session. You need to have administrator rights on the database, and you should also close down the Interactive Client and/or Runtime Resource that has the pending session before running this SQL.