20-06-19 02:48 PM
1. JABWrapper.dll is available & Enabled Java Access Bridge from Control Panel
2. Added descendtree & ignorenotshowing options to Application Wizard
3. JRE version should be 1.2.2 or later. It is "1.7.0_25" in my VM, which met the requirement.
4. BP Java Access Bridge version 2.0.0 is installed which is compatible with above mentioned JRE version
5. Verified that file named 'accessibility.properties' is available in the c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib
6. Ensured attached (Access Bridge Dlls & jar files required)dlls are available in the respective locations
7. Tried to spy elements using "Open Application Navigator" of Application Modeler
But still, I see that only few text boxes in the page I'm able to highlight & I'm unable to spy any single button & other fields in that page(ref Application screen file)
Surface Automation is the second option for this as the window size / elements positions doesn't change. However, it takes more time. Hence suggest me if I missed anything for Java Automation
21-06-19 11:43 AM