17-12-19 09:52 AM
17-12-19 10:26 AM
Hello Soren,
Thank you for your question.
When you setup Blue Prism Learning Edition, you will have provided a password of your choosing.
Username: admin
Password requirements: At least 8 characters, at least 1 upper case and 1 lower case character and at least 1 number
17-12-19 11:29 AM
Hello Soren,
After re-reading your post and one of my colleagues sharing some thoughts, here is an update to my previous response.
The default password validity period is 4 weeks, so although the license may still be valid your password may have expired.
The message "The username or password supplied were not valid. Please try again" is what is shown if you entered an incorrect combination of username and password. You would have set up an admin password initially at setup – you would have been prompted to change the password on the first successful login after expiry.
17-12-19 11:29 AM
07-01-20 12:28 PM
Hello Soren,
My apologies for the delayed response, I'd missed this then was out of the office for the holidays.
There is a knowledge base article for you to follow: How do I reset my Blue Prism admin password?
09-04-20 07:14 PM
14-04-20 08:34 AM
Hello Banu,
I assume you are at the Sign in to Blue Prism screen within the application (screenshot below). If so, this mean you have already progressed past defining a password and simply need to login using the admin username with the password you set.
Note: We deliberately do not clear the database on an uninstall and reinstall so that Trial and Learning Edition users do not accidentally delete their data.
If you have forgotten your password, then you have a couple of options: