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Forum Posts

Dynamic start page URL?

Hello,I am currently running into an issue with the application modeller. The goal is to model a web-based (Chrome) application, but this application has different URL's for its own Acceptance and Production environment. The problem is that this URL ...

Request for help: Outlook VBO Issues

Hi everyone. I am working with a client at the moment where we have taken ownership of a set of automations. Unfortunately, one of them is giving us some woes with the Microsoft Outlook VBO. Where the Get Items stage in the internal_Get Items page is...

Hyperlink not working in pdf

Hi All,Ian converting a word document containing hyperlink to pdf but, I'm not able to get hyperlink in pdf.Only underlined text appers in pdf instead of clickable linkI am using Ms word vbo to export action for conversion of word to PDF and also I h...

Error: Attach Successful but unable to match item

We are automating a web application that runs in Adobe Flash Player (version 32,0,0,330).  Internet Explorer is used to automate the application. We are able to identify the elements with the Accesibility mode and UI Automation mode and it usually wo...

Control Room: Connection Lost

Hi, I am using Learning Edition. It is logging to the account fine. Got License setup fine.When I go to Control Room, I see the status: Missiing  & Session Info: Connection LostPlease see attached screenshot.It is  installed on local PC and BPServer ...

Resolved! Read csv file

How to read CSV files into BluePrism collection?------------------------------satish------------------------------

BluePrism and SOAP Documentation

Guys,as the development landscape is changing all the time, do you have a proper documentation for SOAP integration with BP?I really appreciate it, if you can send me a pdf file with the explanation on how developer can do that with BP.Thank you, hav...

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COVID-19: Blue Prism Response

Hello Blue Prism Community, We are committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees, customers and partners worldwide, while also ensuring business continuity. How can we all help in a time of uncertainty? Through connected RPA we can...


Hi Team,I have a query here,How to read csv files into blue prism collection?


Hi all,I'm setting the auto-archiving of  BP log table older than 4 months, I would like to know when this process runs.I know that the RR where I set-up this configuration must be free from other running process but, when does this task is executed?...