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Unzip Encrypted Zip File

Hello Dream Team,

I'm trying to unzip a zip file but the file is protected with a password.

I'm trying to use BP's VBO "BPA Object - Utility - Windows Compressed File" but so far unsuccessfully.

Could anyone help me trying to overcome this issue?

Thank you.

Kind regards

José Maurí­cio de Carvalho
Senior Consultant

Level 8
Hi José!
Which software do you have to zip/unzip file?
I've never had to unzip encrypted file, but I did something to zip a file with encryption. I read a lot of ways to do this, most of them with code stages. Unfortunalety, none of this works for me so i have to create my own way to accomplish this.

Depending on the software that you are using to zip/unzip a file you can use some command through console.
For me was 7z, but i also test this on winzip.

So I did some logic that creates a txt file with the command to zip a file with encryption. 
In order to do this I create a Data Item named "Planilla" with a command template

"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -p[PASSWORD] "[DestinationZipFile]" "[SourcePath]"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinZip\winzip32.exe" -min -a -s"[Password]" "[DestinationZipFile]" "[SourcePath]"

Through a Calc Stage, I used the function Replace() to set the new values, like this.
Replace([Planilla], "[PASSWORD]", [Password])
Replace([Planilla], "[DestinationZipFile]", [Ruta Zip])
Replace([Planilla], "[SourcePath]", [Ruta]&"\*.*")

When the Data Items is totally setted, I created a txt file with the Utility - File Management Write Text File Action (I realized that I cannot create a .bat directly)
Then i use the Move File Action of the same Utility Object to move as .bat file.
With the path of the .bat I use the Start Process Action of the Utility Environment VBO with the Path of the .bat as Input.

This works for me, i really hope that this will give you an idea of how to unzip a encrypted file.

Daniel Sanhueza
Daniel Sanhueza
RPA Professional Developer