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Upgrade from v5 to v6.2.1

Level 2
Good day, I have BP server running version 5 and the users connect to it from their workstations via a BP 5.2 client. They authenticate against the BP username/passwords. Now I have installed version 6.2.1 on another server and created an AD based auth so that I can create uaergroups within my AD and enable single sign on. On my workstation, I have installed 6.2.1 client and realised that 6.2.1 is not backwards compatible with 5, and that one can't have both versions installed at the same time !!! The error I am getting is : BluePrism.BPCoreLib.IncompatibleException: Version error - client: - server: at BluePrism.AutomateAppCore.ServerManagerDotNetRemote.OpenConnection(clsDBConnectionSetting connectionSetting, Dictionary`2 keys, User& systemUser)   I have over 20 developers that I need to "shift" to 6.2.1   Is there any specific way in order to perform such upgrade as from what I see, this upgrade is far from seamless.   Regards, Bobby

All components (client, resource PC, app server) need to be the same, you can't mix versions. Each BP version has a corresponding database structure and this is the first thing BP does when it connects. If the DB version does not match the BP version, then you can't connect. So in simplistic terms, it's 'all or nothing', and the upgrade has to be applied to all components in one go. The trick is to create a sandbox upgrade environment that is separate from Prod. While you're implementing and testing the upgrade in the sandbox, Prod remains operational on the old version. Then when you're happy with the new version and your processes are working as they did in the old version, you make the switch. I'm paraphrasing here as it requires careful planning and execution.

Level 3
Hi i tried upgrading our environment from 5 to 6. Below is the error i am getting while upgrading the database. Please help. Error: Upgrade Failed - Column names in each table must be unique. Column name ""numberofrepeats"" in table ""BPAPasswordRules"" is specified more than once.

11235813sk - this forum isn't the best option for technical errors, try the support team.

Hello John Please can you confirm that upgrading from BP version 5.0.23 to Version 6.2.1 will not impact existing Bot i.e spying etc will continue to work in new version also?

Neel - it's not something I can guarantee from here. Any major upgrade should include regression testing - the likelihood is that nothing will change but it's best to be certain. 

This is worth reading too, to see if date handling in v6 might affect your processes.