Recently our users are running into issues running processes manually from control room - i.e., by dropping a process on a pool or a runtime resources in our STG and PRD environments. The same process can be run on the same runtime resource or pool as part of a schedule by the same user though.
For some processes we get an an error : "Failed to create session on RRPool-xxx. ERRROR: Authorization errror. The token has expired."
For the same process on another pool we get an error: "Failed to create session on RRPool-xxx - ERROR : Cannot create session as user does not have execute permission on one or more of this processes dependencies."
The users have "Schedule Manger" and "Process Adminsrtator" roles over the respective process and object groups. We tried restarting the blue Prism client and even the Blue Prism appserver services, but the issue persists.
I, being a system administrator, am able to run all processes without any issues.
Can you please advise what could be the issue? We are using Blue Prism version 6.5.0 on virtual PCs (windows 10) with a load balanced Blue Prism servers (on windows server 2016). Let me know if you need any additional information of the setup.
Software Engineer