Hi Rahul,
There are several ways to go about this.
- The option I would go for is to find a way to verify the file download in the browser. There should be either pop-up that states the download progress or you could go through the download history option of Google Chrome. Automation is what Blue Prism does and there shouldn't be issues to define steps on the verification in browser.
- Verifying the download in file management also should be possible, however you have to know how may files are you expecting from the "mass download". You can clear the folder before downloading the files and check for the file count, however you also have to check for the file extension as Blue Prism would also see the files that are currently downloaded.
For the file verification you could use File Management VBO.
JÄkabs Rutkis
Developer / Dev Lead / Solution Designer
Jekabs Rutkis
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