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Web Service(Blue Prism process/object) to return status of another process

Not applicable
Hi Can someone please let me know how to extract/send status of one process to another process? I want to expose a process as web service to send out status. Also,what is the way of extracting below details which are present within "Web service Guide".  Are there any reference documents available to fetch details of tables from Blue Prism database server. "Retrieving information from blue prism (e.g.details of work queues,schedules,work history etc.)

Level 4
For retrieving such information from blue prism, use SQL Server VBO, and connect to BP database. I have not found any document about that.   Regards.

Level 5
Wouldn't it be easier to design the process to keep a current status on the items it's working on and the just get the queue info? your solutions sound more complicated than it needs to be IMO.

Level 4
Well, I think that exposing a process its only useful to run that process from outside, it's not like you could edit the wsdl to add some new capabilities. So you cannot have a running process and at some moment ask for its status from another process calling the first one via web service. For me, takes no sense to consume locally a web service, but maybe i am wrong or a i haven't understood you need. I would connect database, and check for process status in bpo.BPAStatus table, with read only user. If a better solution exists, I would like to know it too. Regards  

Level 4
Of course, it would be a great idea, to have a way to recover that kind of information without having to handle with database or exposing a process.  

Not applicable
Thanks for your response !! The solution we're building has multiple dependencies.  Just to give you an idea, the Blue Prism process I'm exposing will be consumed in one of the executable where it needs to be executed by one of the user. And the reason I need to extract the ""run status"" of this process(exposed as web service) is only because, I need to kick start one of the SQL jobs which will update respective tables on different database server. This is not a frequent activity but this needs to be automated.

Level 15
There is a fundamental mistake if you are creating Blue Prism processes that are going to be kicked off direct by a user/person.  That solution potentially does not cater for multiple concurrent requests over the number of licenses you have (i.e. 20 users making a request when you only have 10 licenses).  All external calls to a Blue Prism solution should be done in a asymmetric way - with the design looking to add work requests to a Blue Prism work queue to be actioned when a robot is available rather than sending the request direct to individual robots.   It might be worth reaching out to experienced Blue Prism consultancy to discuss these design concepts. Beyond that - there are telnet/http commands available for starting and monitoring sessions - search the product help for command line options.