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Level 3

I have created a process and exposed the process as Webservice. I am using resourcename:8181/ws/ to access the exposed process and I am able to see the process exposed.
However i am trying to trigger this process but i am not able to do so. I tired using Postman to trigger this webservice, but failed.

Could any of you let me know how would i be able to run a process which is exposed as webservice?


Level 10
What's the exact error that you get?.

What's the URL that you are tyring to post to?

Vivek Goel
RPA Architect
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Hi Vivek,
So i am testing this: So i use localhost:8181/ws/ and i see the process which i have exposed. When i click on this i get an XML which is also fine. 

However when i am trying to trigger this process through postman using credentials of system it says the request could not be completed. 

It would be helpful if you let me know how a blueprism process/object exposed as webservice can be triggered

Chandan Raju

Go through this first please.

Vivek Goel
RPA Architect
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Thank You, but i had gone through this document and this document just explains how a process can be exposed and how third party webservices can be consumed. But i was not able to find how a process in Blueprism exposed as webservices can be triggered or tested

So I just wanted to know if there is any way i could test this triggering of process exposed as webservice.

Chandan Raju

Hi chandan,

Are you able to succesfully trigger the process using Web services

RPA Developer

Hi Harish,
Yes i was able to trigger the process using Postman/Soap UI on the runtime resource for my testing purpose.

Chandan Raju

When we try to use Postman we are getting some SSL error. If you have chance can you share what exactly triggered the process in postman and Soap ui?

RPA Developer

SSL Error usually occurs because of firewalls. Please do have a check if the windows firewall is blocking your request made.

Also you could check with the below config in Postman if everything is in intact:  
1. Select POST Request in Postman, and send the URL leaving the ?wsdl i.e., https://[machine name]:[port]/ws/ProcessName
2. Under the Authorization tab:
                   a. Select Basic Auth
                   b. Enter your Blueprism credentials
3. Under the Header section:
                   a. Change the value of Content-Type to application/xml
4. Under the Body section:
                  a. Fill in the XML as shown below with the required changes highlighted in BOLD
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:Soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:blueprism:webservice:PROCESSNAME">
      <urn:PROCESSNAME soapenv:encodingStyle=""/> 

Hope this helps

Chandan Raju

What if we use SSO to connect to Blue Prism? I do not have a credential to enter in step 2.a.

André Ferreira