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Working with Excel Binary Workbook : MS Excel VBO

Level 2
Hello everyone, 

I am currently accessing a MS Excel Binary Workbook (.xlsb) using the MS Excel VBO. 
(Steps : Create Instance, Open Workbook, Set Cell Value, Save Workbook, Close instance)

While saving the Binary workbook after writing data into it, I am getting the following pop-up with the following message : 
Microsoft Visual Basic (Window Title)
Run Time Error 13 (Message)
Type mismatch

The workbook gets saved once I close the pop-up (Click "End")

I have tried converting the .xlsb file into .xlsx file. However I face the same pop-up then as well. 

Has anyone faced this issue before and what was the work around used? 

Thanks for the help!

Level 6
Hello Harshitha,
You can create a new object to attach to this popup and close using mouse clicks.
------------------------------ Best Regards, Ved Sengupta RPA Developer Deloitte India (Offices of the US) Bangalore | INDIA *If you find this post helpful mark it as best answer* ------------------------------

Use any one from the below options :
1- Create an object and use Application Modeller to click yes to ensure that the Excel works normally.
2- ​use the global keys
3- add this line in you code stage to where it is failing ""instance.DisplayAlerts = false"" .

------------------------------ Vipul Tiwari Senior Process Simplification Developer Amazon ------------------------------

Hi Harshita,

As I can see from your screenshot, it seems there is a module present in the Visual basic section of excel which is with errors.
Try to identify if that module is of any use, if not then delete the VB module so that you won't get that pop again.