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Write Collection to excel file

Level 5
Hi all

I have a collection which I want to write to an excel file . Can someone provide me the C# code for the same along with the dll's? I am aware of the write collection feature, but I want to do it faster since my collection is quite large.

Prajjwal Rai
Application Engineer
Schneider Electric Private Limited

Level 10
Copy whole xml and paste this as new page into Excel VBO (click after last tab and pick paste) - should be much faster that default, although behaves a bit different in some cases:

Andrey Kudinov
Project Manager
MobileTelesystems PJSC

Level 4
Instead of using StringWriter it would be fastest to convert the BP Collection which is actually a System.DataTable into a 2D Array. Excel supports Setting a range equal to a 2d array in one write. This usually will take about 1-2 seconds total run time for a collection which is 100,000 Rows by 10 Columns.

Erin Connerley
Automation Consultant
Agilify Automation

@ErinConnerley That is what it does.​
StringWriter is there only to serialize a subcollection into a cell. It is hardly useful in practice (I did it for debug purposes originally), could be skipped instead.​

Andrey Kudinov
Project Manager
MobileTelesystems PJSC