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ZIPX file uncompression

Level 4
Hi ,   I have created an action to unzip .zip file . But if i use the same for .zipx file ,its failing (ofcourse it fails as compression format is different). Have anyone tried unzipping .zipx file using code stage or anyother actions?.     Thanks, Amith

Level 14
Hi Amith, I know this isn't the answer to your question, but have you considered reaching out to whomever is zipping the files? If they're within the organization you're making an automation for, you could ask them to use another method to zip the files. Sometimes the solution to an automation problem is to avoid the problem entirely by adjusting the non-automated portions of the process to decrease the difficulty of the automated portions. Is there any chance of getting that changed? Respectfully, Dave
Dave Morris 3Ci at Southern Company Atlanta, GA

Level 4
Yes David , thanks for the option but it my last choice, as they use zipx for lesser file size and if i ask them to change to .zip supported by bp through code stage ,it will be a huge file for them to sent .    thankfully ,    Amith 

Level 14
Hi Amith, It looks like WinZip has an Add-On for CLI. Take a look and see if it'll work for your purposes. Dave
Dave Morris 3Ci at Southern Company Atlanta, GA

Level 10
Try extracting it with 7zip command line ( - 7-Zip now can extract .zipx (WinZip) archives that use xz compression. You might be able to use 7zip dll in code stage if it works at all.