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Forum Posts

Active queue controller

Hi All,Does anyone know where in Database the active queue controller is getting updated when we change the target resources value. Also is it possible to modify this value using AutomateC cammand line------------------------------Jerin JoseRPA Produ...

Code Stage Output Parameter not working

Hello All,I am using code stage using and  I have written some code for filter.This will return data into DataTable variable.But when I am defining it in Output parameter it throwing some error.Below is the part of code :string strSummaryFileName = "...


Convert Collection to XML

Hi All,Just wondering if anyone has come across a solution of converting a collection to XML.XML is to be then used by a SOAP API.  Similarly and not sure if this is even the best way but has anyone encountered a solution where it converts a json dir...

Output Parameter values not getting logged in DB

Hi Team,How can we check the values which was return as an output parameter for any specific action/page, I am able to see Input parameters values (collection) in Session logs table (SessionLogNonunicode table) but not able to see what values it is g...

Output Parameter values not getting logged in DB

Hi Team,How can we check the values which was return as an output parameter for any specific action/page, I am able to see Input parameters values (collection) in Session logs table (SessionLogNonunicode table) but not able to see what values it is g...

How to export XML-file including data

Hi, I need to export a XML-file containing all field names and rows from a specific collection. So far I exported the page using File>Export>Page/Object. However, it does not contain the data from the collections. Therefore my developer will not be a...

Direct connect from BP client to runtime resource?

Hi,In an enterprise deployment of Blue Prism with an application server, a runtime resource and Blue Prism client, each installed on its own machine, each of them is directly communicating with each other. client -> app server, app server <-> resourc...

Running Automatons on Run-time Resources

Hi All,If a Runtime Resource is already running a process and I drop few more process to run on top of that . Is it a Fisrt in and First Out basis execution ?Please suggest .Thanks !Manas------------------------------Manas JenaSr AnalystZimmerBiometA...

What training can I follow with the Blue Prism Trial?

We're designed a set of 10 labs designed to teach the basics of Blue Prism modelling and best practices.   These are available to download from our Digital Exchange: Blue Prism Basic Training------------------------------Chris StrongProduct OwnerBlue...

Automating Resource PC Config

I am automating client configuration e.g. connection name, bp server, port via automate.  I don't see a way to config with automate connection mode.  I am able to do the following successfully:c:\"program files"\"blue prism limited"\"blue prism autom...

Scheduler to invoke from code stage

Has anyone invoke scheduler from code stage? like retire and un-retire particular scheduler from code stage?At this moment we do this manually..seeking help if any one did it using process code itslef?Thank you.Amrit------------------------------Amri...