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Forum Posts

Windows Migration

Hi, Currently I am using windows 7 environment and blueprism version 5. I want to migrate to windows 10. Could some one help me on issues in blueprism? what kind of issues we can expect after migrating to Windows10? is there any precautions we nee...

List of shceduled processes to be run today

Hi, I would like to know the number/list of processes to be run for today.  I want to create a report which includes - Processes already run for today and processes yet to be run for today. How can i write a query to get this details and show in a...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Accreditation/Self-tests- recycle question bank

Hi, I'm going to be sitting my developer exam very soon and I just had a question re the online self-tests. I get the same 10 questions on each topic when I begin the test, is it possible to recycle those questions from the question bank so I'm abl...

Outlook Shared Mailbox

Does anybody know the steps to interact with a shared mailbox which appears in outlook along side your personal inbox. I know how to interact with the personal inbox but how do I tell blue prism to interact with the shared mailbox? Using outlook 201...

Powerbuilder application issue

I am trying to automate a powerbuilder based application, although i am able to perform actions in it but i am unable to read any value from the fields. I am getting the parent value instead of the filled value when reading the element in any spying...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 3 replies

Windows 10 Challenges in Blueprism

Hi, Currently I am using windows 7 environment and blueprism version 5. I want to migrate to windows 10. Could some one help me on challenges/issues in blueprism after migrating to Windows 10? what kind of issues we can expect after migrating to Wi...

Not able to spy in Java Mode

Hi- i am getting attached error while spying in Java mode. When i am identifying the buton, Yellow box is highlighting the element but later gives the error. please sugegst how to resolve this.

How to connect to Oracle 11i or R12 Form Application

Hello All, It seems like it is easy to connect to SAP application as there are pre-defined VBO avaialble. However I could not able to find anything easy for Oracle 11i or R12 form application. Did anyone successfully connected to Oracle Forms?  

Filter using date

In Blueprism, how to use filter query for a collection have value as date like e,g I want all dates that are less than today

How do I return a date from a code stage?

I'm working with C# collections that have date columns in them, leaving the fields of the collection unspecified. I'm putting in a column with dates such as '02/03/2018', and moving it to another table, and then when I output the other table the date...

How to Attach to SAP Window.

I have a need of opening up two different SAP GUI Windows and I will be switching these windows during my process, what is the best approach to attach to SAP Window, I tried to us Window Text but not much of help with that.