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Forum Posts

Control room database issue

Hello,  We recently manually deleted a significant amount of audit logs on our database to reclaim space. We also used the archiving feature inside Blue Prism to archive old data that was unneeded.  However, ever since the archive and deletion of a...

How to start/stop process outside Control room

How to start/stop a process outside of control room (i.e.,) by using HTTP requests. Is there any detail documentation regarding the Start/Stop of process using HTTP requests? I am trying to start and stop a BOT by using HTTP requests, i tried using ...

Exception items show in Completed items

At the end of my process, I list both exception and completed items using Blue Prism built-in functionalities Get Exception Items and Get Completed Items. I discovered that some items appear in both lists. I'm talking about Item IDs here. Those items...

Feature Request - List a Diff of Changes when Saving

Coming from twenty years of development experience, I find it very hard to give concise and accurate commit/change messages when I hit save because there is no indication of what has changed. At the very least, I would like to see a list of what Act...

Window name of Excel 2016 Standard version

Hi, I'm tiring to attach the Excel workbook to Object Studio but window title of the Excel workbook Doesn't Comes as Default Window title ("WB Name" - Excel) when it opens using Excel 2016 but when I opened it manually it does I Have attached the Sc...

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Get and Set Collection Column Names

Hi, Just looking to know if there is there an easy way to get the field names of one collection, and use these field names to set the column names for a second collection?  Manually entering the column names for the second collection is not an optio...

License utilization

Does someone suggest a method to find the number of concurrent sessions from Blueprism Database? I tried to find out number of sessions with status Running, Pending and Stopped as these states count towards concurrent sessions but the number that I g...

License key is stored in plain text

i have a situation where i have to provide read access to the Blueprism database for Bot controller team. IT is managing the license but i could see the license key is stored in plain text to the database . can we store the key in an encoded form atl...


Hello everyone,   we are currently facing a well-know problem of the 'EMSMDB32.DLL' using the MAPIEx VBO. Is there anyone out there that has solved this issue???   *Note: blueprism provides a link to MSDN for this problem (via the support ticket...