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Forum Posts

Recognising Crypto Term Emulator of Mainframe

Dear Team ,   We need to build a case in Mainframe application in mainframe mode .We are using a emulator of Crypto Term . After selecting the mainframe mode in Application modeler it is asking us to indicate the type of application we are using ....

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No authority could be contacted for authentication

Hi   Anyone encounter the following error intermittently The form 'Action Properties' has encountered an unknown error and has been forced to close. Please contact Blue Prism for technical support if this problem persists.   System.Security.Auth...

AllanRo by Level 5
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How to read window attribute 'End X' using read stage

We are trying to read window attribute which does not space in attribute name like 'X', 'Y'.   We are unable to read window attribute which has space in name like 'End X', 'Start X', 'Class Name' etc.   Suggest way forward on reading window attri...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Thread update notifications on Portal

Hi, I don't know if this has already been discussed on the portal... I have several instances where I comment my questions or answers in threads, but I need to keep searching for the thread every time I want to see if the thread has been updated. Is...

Process with "Pending" status on schedule

I€™m having some problems with the scheduler in BP.   I configure a schedule in BP with 5 process to run one after other, at 7 pm for example. The first process (Login from Login Agent object) run and finished with €œCompleted€ status. After that,...

How To Use The SSO Command Line Options

I use an remote VM which installed BP and login this BP by using active directory group and blue prism server connection. Now I tried to launch a process in remote BP by using AutomateC /run "My Scheduled Process" /sso command found in help documen...

Lotus Notes

Hey, does anyone have experience automating Lotus Notes (version 8.5.1). I'm using the BP 5.0.21. I'm having trouble spying pages/elements/applications in Lotus Notes. For instance, spying the login screen doesn't work. It gives me an error. It a...

Sending SMS Via BP

Is there functionality within Blue Prism to send SMS messages? Potentially even via the SMTP email object? My primary interest in using this is for alerting purposes on out of hours processes rather than a mass service...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Writing large data set to excel is taking a very long time

Hi, I need to write 30 000 rows to excel from a collection and even when i run MS Excel VBO - Write Collection from control room it would take several days to finish. Is there another way to write a large data set or how can i increase the speed of ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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