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Forum Posts

Speed from Control Room

Hi- I ran the bot from Process and then from Control Room.It is taking the same amount of time from both. but from control room, it should run faster than process. Am i missing something?

Neel1 by MVP
  • 1 replies

Java Automation Spying

Hi, I am working on Java Automation. In the application modeller for the Java applet the highlighting of elements is taking too much time when I use the Application Navigator. So I used only 3 attributes to identify which are role, Name and Match in...

Blue Prism Crashing while importing webservice

Hi, I am trying to import a webservice in Blue Prism but while doing so Blue Prism is getting crashed. The webservice is working fine as I've already tested it in SoapUI tool. Attached screenshot highlight the same issue. Could someone please assi...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Add row to a collection which exists in a collection

Hi,   I have a collection with three fields, Two fields are Text type and Third is an Collection. I am trying to add data for the inner collection. Before adding the data, I need to add a row but unfortunately I am not able to add a row for that. ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Facing issue with Spied elements

Hi, Me and my another team member are working on one application to automate using Blue Prism. Here the issue is from my colleague machine, every thing is working fine, but when I try from my machine the same things are not working properly and the ...


I want to run a second process immediately from Scheduler when first terminates or aborts if an exception comes, is there any way or solution to it?

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 3 replies

Pivot table business object

Does anyone know if there is an business object to manipulate pivot tables in Blue Prism?  I don't want to write VBA code. Thanks

CR by Level 4
  • 3 replies

PDF not opening.

I am currently in a POC where we are using the POP3/SMTP business object to download attachments from emails using an Outlook account. When I receive PDF attachments from sender A on the windows BP Server and try to open them I receive the following ...

Extract the text

Hi Everyone, can anyone tell me how to extract the text which is placed inside the braces? For Example my requirement is ( Hello Everyone) and the out shoul be "Hello Everyone"i.e excluding the braces. Thankyou