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Forum Posts

Java Access Bridge Installed?

Hi All, How would we go about testing if the Java Access Bridge that we requested from our IT partners has been installed correctly? Is there a specific program that I can run, website I can access etc? Thanks Matty

BP Issues Since Upgrading to Windows 8.1

Hi All, Just wanted to see if anyone else has had any similar issues when they upgraded from Windows XP to WIndows 8.1 (Company was a little late to the technology party) Since upgrading last month myself and my team have seen the following issues:...

Sendkeys on Rumba Mainframe

Hi, I'm having problems sending Global Send Keys on a Rumba Mainframe for specific buttons - Page Up & Page Down. I need these to move between screens on an application I am working on. I don't get any errors, it simply moves on to next stage. I'v...

Difficulty with spying regions with Internet explorer ?

Has anyone faced any issues with region mode identification on internet explorer version 10 ? I have come across a situation where while spying region mode, the screenshot taken and opened in region editor shows blank. If the same is done on other br...

sufyans by Level 3
  • 4 replies

Combo Box/Drop Down List

Hi Guys, Anybody have any idea about, how to get option from drop down list/ combo box. It is actually spying the element properly. But when I use Mouse Button -> "Down" to select any option, it is giving error saying that the "Down" is invalid. C...

Global Send Keys Shift & End

Hi, I am trying to perform an operation in Access after clicking on a specific cell I want to delete the contents of the cell. I have tried CTRL + A but that shortcut doesn't seem to work in access. Next though would be to use Shift and End keys and ...

Problem in configuring the Blue Prism Architecture setup

HI, As I m trying to configure the Blue Prism Architecture setup with fallowing successful steps 1 creating app server 2 configuring windows services 3 configuring resourses/interactive client As i m trying to connect to the The appserver through r...

PrasadM by Level 3
  • 3 replies

Memory Leak

Hello, I'm getting an Out Of Memory Error and i don't really understand where it comes from. In my object / process I go through a list, and store two string of each rows in a collection. The list has a span of 5000 elements but i get this error whe...

Error in spying operation

Hi, When I am trying to highlight the spied items (using Win32 mode), I am getting an error as follows: "There is a problem in Spying operation." Detailed error is: "System.ApplicationException: The window spied was not found in the model at BluePri...

Not able to perform action on Java Button

Hi All, I am currently working on Java based web application, as part of automation I need to click on one of the Java Button on that web page. When I am using Application Navigator to identify element (Button) in Java mode, it is not only getting h...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 3 replies

tools for creating process map

Hello, I'm a new user of Blue Prism, and I was wondering if someone could explain me difference between Blue Prism components to process map and the other tools to creating process maps. What are benefits of using Object Studio and Process Studio? Be...